
Advance Notice – Insight into Your Best Self

We are well into the 2021 Holiday Season, and many people are starting to feel the demands of fulfilling family expectations against the backdrop of Round 4 of COVID-19. Meeting these expectations can be draining. Despite the busyness, the Holiday Season can provide an opportunity to count our blessings and to consider our areas for growth.

New Year’s Resolutions are statistically hard to keep – most don’t last through January. Lasting change usually occurs when you can change the environmental context of your habits or insight into the mental framework through which you view the world. Mindfulness of your present moment environment and Insight Meditation examining your thoughts and feelings usually requires more than just education – it requires frequent training and practice until a new habit is embedded.

I will be conducting a Koru Mindfulness Basic online course 19, 26 January and 2, 9 February 2022. Four 75-minute classes and self-paced practice with instructor feedback over four weeks provides an opportunity to make such fundamental life-affirming change. Here is the registration page: https://student.korumindfulness.org/course-detail.html?course_id=5875  

I will be providing further details as to course content through this blog space and via other advertising venues. In the interim, here are some testimonials as to the power of this course, and to the effectiveness of my teaching/coaching methods:


More to follow – and Compliments of the Season!

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